Monday, 10 May 2010

5 Days To Go

5 days to go and the weather is looking decidedly bleak up here in (not so) sunny Manchester.

Oh well I am ever the optimist and must stop looking at those long range forcasts, they only depress me and they are usually totally wrong anyway... aren't they? :(

On a brighter note I have ordered my currency, damned exchange rate is always poxy when I go on holiday! Ordered our drinks package, which consists of 12 bottles of a selection of wines from the "Gold" Wine List. I am not being snobby, that is the least expensive option, there is Platinum and Diamond to choose from too, which can be consumed all in one go or spread out over the cruise, all depends on the weather I suppose ;) . The kids have their unlimited supply of coke (the drink that is) ordered, so there will be a few buzzing kids full of E numbers and caffeine whizzing around the decks.

Printed off all the tickets and car park pass so we should glide into our balcony stateroom without a hassle, although I might take a detour to the bar, just for a reconnoitre of course!

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